Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Do YOU Think of the New Kindles?

Will you get The New Kindle?

I shared a few posts ago that I had to pretty much put my KindleKeyboard out to pasture.  I'd not come to terms with replacing it yet . . . and good thing too, because Amazon released new Kindles today!

That's just like Jeff Bezos to live on the edge of newness!

So I checked them out, and I see that the most expensive of the new devices is right at $500!  Ouch!!  I won't be getting that one . . . I don't think.

It features a larger screen, wi-fi for a $49.95 annual data package, and some other techy  stuff. But if I'm going to spend that kind of money . . . I'd rather have an Ipad . . . I think!

They've also released a new set of non-color devices The Kindle Paperwhite, with whiter whites (like laundry detergent and bleach?) and blacker blacks . . . like uh . . . new black khaki pants before they become your favorites and get washed a million times and turn charcoal grey.  And look! The middle one is only $119.

But to be honest . . . I'm still kinda bummed about having to replace the Kindle that I had.  I only had it a little over a year, before it was laid to rest. Amazon did offer to sell me another one with a $40 discount, and I really, really do miss my Kindle. I think about buying a new one everyday.  Kinda tired of reading books on my Blackberry, but still.

One thing's for sure though.  With the release of these new devices, there will be another million people stuffing Christmas stockings with Kindles this December!  Guess I better go write something and make sure I'm ready to be downloaded! And if you're an author - you should get ready too.  Just click here!

Enjoy my blog?  Get it on a NEW Kindle. Just click below!


Jack Durish said...

We bought a Kindle Fire for our granddaughter and my fat fingers kept touching the screen accidentally as I tried to read it. Pages changed at inopportune moments. Can that. The Kindle Paperwhite? Whazzup with that? Trading my Kindle now would be like throwing away a print edition of a book for one with gilt edges and leather binding? But the words are the same. No thanks, I'll stick with what I have until it dies. By then, I may be dead too.

K. Millionaire said...

Well, I outlived mine Jack. Sigh! Oh if it were only still here to see it's...uh...grandchildren! LOL