Came across this today from Kathryn Elizabeth Jones and thought I'd share... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Is Marketing Your Book Driving You Nuts? |
Book Marketing in a Nutshell Book marketing. As writers we can’t escape it, even if we have a national publisher under our belt like Houghton Mifflin. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a plan for the marketing of our book. And while the publisher may help us with ideas, even set up some book signings for us, it is really up to us to get the word out. The good news is that, as an author, there are many marketing ideas out there to help us out; the problem is that we may not know about them, and if we don’t know they exist we can’t use them in our book marketing plan. So let’s get started: Video We’ve all heard of YouTube in the sharing of video but how about Animoto? Animoto allows the user to create a 30 second video FOR FREE. The video uses pictures, text, music and of course, video. Don’t think you can create a stunning 30 second video? This will be a good test of your prowess. You’ll have no time or space to get long winded and so the video will be succinct and to the point. For best results: Try Animoto just before your book’s release. Radio Radio includes local, national and blog radio. If you’re having a difficult time signing up with your local station, don’t try to go with a national station, start with blog radio. Most often, the blog host will send you a list of questions ahead of time. This helps tremendously with the nerves. My favorite: The Author’s Show. Also FREE. Text You may have your own blog, but do you help others with their blogs? Do you write about writing and share your knowledge with readers as well as writers? Text options for marketing include blog interviews, free advertising opportunities like those found at Dee’s Reading Room and of course here at When thinking about text, think: online. What can I do online to spread the word about my book? What can I do for free? Don’t be afraid to ask questions, do some web surfing of your own, and talk to others with books out that may know a thing or two. Photos Photos, like video, draw in readers. Use photos on your blog and when you write for someone else (I always send a professional photo as well as my book cover). Use photos when you Facebook and remember your connections on Pinterest where photos are mandatory. Social Networking Get connected to all the social networks you can handle. I am not connected to all of them but those I am connected with I participate in on a regular basis—even daily. Connections online allow you to talk about your book in a convenient way and to as many people as choose to follow you. Make sure you’re doing the same by following others and make mention of your book and what you are currently doing, including book signings, speaking engagements and other events. Personal Networking When it comes to book marketing in a nutshell, the most important thing you can do is not be afraid to speak up about your book. I use postcards to help me out. On one side is the book cover, on the other, a synopsis and contact information about my book. If someone reads my card, they just might read my book and tell someone else about it. Marketing indeed. About the Author: Kathryn Elizabeth Jones has been a published writer since 1987. She has published various newspaper stories, magazine articles, essays and short stories for teens and adults. She is the author of: “A River of Stones,” a young adult fiction novel dealing with divorce published in 2002, and “Conquering your Goliaths—A Parable of the Five Stones,” a Christian novel published in January of 2012. One of her newest creations, a “Conquering your Goliaths—Guidebook,” was published in February of 2012. “Scrambled,” soon to be published in September 2012, is her first cozy mystery. |
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