Monday, September 3, 2012

Is Publishing Your Blog to Kindle Worth the Time?

Since more and more readers are buying Kindles,  why not make your blog available on the Kindle device? It's an easy (and free) way to punch one more hole in your "exposure" belt, especially if you already have an audience who love to visit your blog. 

S0 how do you publish your blog on Kindle?  It's so simple!  Go to Kindle Publishing and sign up for a free account. Once your blog goes live, (48-72 hours later, although mine only took 24) whenever you publish a new post, your blog feed is updated and the newly published post is sent to the user’s Kindle device.

When you set up your blog for publishing, Kindle Publishing will  set a monthly subscription price for your blog, (my blog is priced at 99 cents).  When readers subscribe to your blog you will receive a 30% royalty.  You may not make enough to pay your child's way through college, but something's better than nothing, right? 

You can easily promote your Kindle blog by placing Kindle Chicklet (if you have an Amazon Associates account) on your blog or in your posts.   (See mine at the end of this post.) The chicklet will  also allow you to receive referral fees for qualifying Amazon purchases. 
It will take you only a few minutes to set your blog up for publishing, and again - its free.  Any opportunity to increase exposure, credibility, and traffic to your work is worth it when it doesn't cost any anything. And a few extra dollars would be too.

Need a step-by-step walk through?  Just click here.

Kimberly T. Matthews Best Selling Author

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Enjoy my blog? Get it on your Kindle!  Just click below.


Hadi said...

ndle is a product that is very popular right now, the writers are very pleased with the Kindle because they could To publish their articles, and I like your post .... success for you