Thursday, August 30, 2012

More Website Traffic Equals More Book Sales

Really???  Can I be transparent for a few minutes?

Guess how many people visited my site ( in the month of August alone?

That's right. Eight thousand eight hundred plus people.  People are definitely visiting my site, reading my posts and clicking on page links. I feel good about that number.  It makes me smile. My blog traffic has come a long way, with almost 63,000 visitors in the past 18 months or so.

Now . . . guess how many Kindle downloads I've had this month. Just guess.  Never mind - I'll tell you.

No, not 5,000.  Not even 500.  Five as in:
High . . . 
The Jackson . . .
The US currency bill with Abraham  Lincoln's face on it . . .
The number of promo days you get per 90 days with Amazon Kindle Select . . . 
The vowels in the alphabet when you don't count "and sometimes Y" . . .
The number of days in the standard work week . . .
Freaking five.
 To be honest with you, I know a big part of the reason.
I don't constantly promote my work.
I'm not constantly throwing my work in my visitors' faces and begging them to buy my books.
I like when people visit my blog and just enjoy a nice, non-salesy, non-pitchy read.
I like to make people laugh, smile, think or just be entertained sometimes.
I don't always want to be a saleswoman.

But still . . . I'm feeling a lot like Don Music.  
Watch the video below to see what I mean.

Pencil in hand. . .
Writing stuff down . . .
Trying new things . . .
Growing frustration . . .
Seeking help . . .
Dismissing things that don't work . . .
Banging my head on the keyboard  . . .
Sobbing . . .
Confused . . .
Running in circles . . .

Well five is better than zero, so I'm grateful.
I just need to figure out what exactly is my red bicycle, or in other words, what will work for me.
What's your red bicycle?
Share it so I can try it out. 
Or help me get rid of my head-banging headache - Just click here!  

Okay.  I'm done. My facade of being a super duper books-flying-off-the-shelves author is back up.

Woo hoo!  Look at me!!!  I'm selling lots and lots of ebooks!   

Yeah right.

Enjoy my blog?  Read it on your Kindle!  Just click below.


CLC said...

You're a delight, Kimberly. It's a tough gig, but you are tougher,and that's all that matters in the end.

K. Millionaire said...

Thanks for reading Christina! I enjoy your company. :-) A tough gig indeed!