Saturday, August 4, 2012

F - R- Double E - The New "Four Letter Word"


In the world of writing and ebook marketing, has the word FREE become a new four letter word? Warping our price expectations as readers, and cheapening our work as authors? I can say for myself, this free thing is turning into a double edged sword. Maybe.
So what had happened was . . . 
I recently read two FANTASTIC books by Adrienne Thompson. Enjoyed them immensely. (Click the image to the right to peruse her 5-star reviews) Both were free downloads that I'd obtained a few months back when she ran a campaign. Now as much as I enjoyed her work, and have no reservations of reading her third title, guess what was stopping me? You guessed it - it wasn't free. 

So I know what you're thinking - it had to be priced at almost a million dollars since I was hesitant about purchasing it. Of course not. It was a measly $1.99.  Far less than the price of a cuppa coffee, and would last longer too!  Not to mention more enjoyable. And I just can't make it myself at home. 

I had to slap myself when I realized why I wasn't tapping the "1-Click" purchase button. What is wrong with me for thinking like that? I was slow to spend 2 bucks on a book that I KNOW I will enjoy?  Shame on me! Once I had this epiphany, I did PURCHASE Adrienne's third title. And guess what? It didn't break the bank, or send my home in foreclosure. I still have enough to get a cup of expensive coffee if I want to . . . or buy another book by another great author. 

I don't know about this FREE thing . . . is it doing more damage than good? Is it turning us into Kindle Hoarders?  Free just might be the new four-letter word in town.

I think I'll go wash my mouth out with soap.

PS - if you are an ebook author and would like to see YOUR ebook displayed on a iPad, Kindle, Nook (or other electronic device) Just click HERE

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Renee Pawlish said...

Boy, you are so right! I've done some free campaigns with varying success, but I don't think I will anymore. I also am seeing that there are too many other places to sell books and audiobooks to make my books exclusive to Amazon. And I too think that we've "ruined" readers and many now expect free's too bad.
Thanks for a great post.