Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Confessions of an Amazon Kindle Singles Reject


I'm no stranger to a reject letter.  You know how it goes - you submit your work believing that the editor(s) will think it's awesome, and make you this multi-thousand dollar deal. I mean, how could they not? Your work is just that good! You cross your fingers and constantly watch your mailbox or email waiting for that great acceptance news.  And then it happens . . . you get rejected. You're disappointed, hurt, crushed, confused and maybe even questioning the caliber of your talent.

Well, with nothing to lose, I submitted a story to Amazon's Kindle Singles program. Guess what happened? It was rejected.

Am I disappointed, hurt, crushed, confused and questioning  my talent? Nope. *shrug* Whatever. Rejection is practically - well no - actually is the norm. It happens. It comes with the territory of being an author. Honestly, it hurt more when I didn't get a zillion downloads on my free promo days.

Oh well. On to the next thing.

I'm looking for beta readers for my upcoming release,

A Fool and Her Honey

Which will be published by Kensington Books next spring.

If you'd be interested in reading a fantastic story of three women who don't mind being a fool for love, shoot me a quick email at Kimberly@KimberlyTMatthews.com. I'd be honored.

Click here to read an excerpt.

Click the image to pre-order.

Enjoy my blog?  Read it on your Kindle! Just click below.


Stephen Woodfin said...

If it will make you feel any better, I received my rejection from Kindle Singles today.
You are absolutely right. On to the next thing.
A writer has to have thick skin and keep on believing in herself.
James Lee Burke always includes this bit in his bio: "His novel The Lost Get-Back Boogie was rejected 111 times over a period of nine years and , upon its publication by Louisiana State University Press in 1986, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize."
So go figure.

K. Millionaire said...

Thick skin is definitely necessary in this business! Only a few more rejections to go before I get my Pulitzer Prize nomination! :-)

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, we definitely have to keep going.