In no particular order (other than the first one), here is a list of 15 things people love to say to authors.
- So you like . . . write books? Have you published any or do you just . . . write?
- I've never met a real author before. I'm going to tell my kids I met you when I get home.
- Do you know somebody named (insert any name here)? We went to school together and I think they wrote a book a few years ago called uh . . . I can't think of the name of it right now but you should look him/her up.
- Where can I get your book? Like at a store or something? REALLY???
- So do you do book signings?
- I love to read; you should bring me some of your books and let me read them and I'll tell you what I think.
- I started writing a book one time. I've got about three chapters. I should let you read it.
- I want to write a book. You can help me!
- You should write my life story! It is guaranteed to be a best seller!
- I'm working on a poetry book.
- How much money do you make? Do you have a real job?
- You should still send your book to Oprah - I think she still has a book club thing.
- What do you write? Oh I don't read that.
- My wife/mom/sister/cousin reads all the time. I'm going to tell her to get your book.
- What was your name again?
If you are an author and can identify, leave a smiley face in the comment section. Feel free to add on as well.

"I knew exactly how many condoms were left in his gym bag, in a little black box, wrapped in gold foil. Seven. Each time I randomly checked for no other reason besides I knew they existed, there'd always been seven. So I was taken aback that morning when I went to do his laundry, peeked in the box and only found three..."
Lisa from - "Lisa's Dress"
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Thanks David! LOL
Thanks for the smile this morning.
Oh yes.... the other thing they say is 'What's it about?', then look blankly when you start to tell them....
Great list. :)
Me too! :) LOL! A very complete list, can't think of anything to add (including the one added by the commenter of course)
:) LOL!
How about: "I'm so glad I've met you, you can help me with my book. I need a beta reader/book cover help/marketing help...
hey hey!! this is a very nice website here and I just wanted to comment & say that you've done a great job here! Very nice choice of colors & layout, very easy on the eyes.. Nicely done!…
Wow - when a new acquaintance learned I'd written two memoirs, she asked me, "So, do you make bad choices so you'll have something to write about?" A true story!!!
;-) Fantastic list!!!
Yep. Yep. Yep. Same here. Heard that, too. Yep. Yep.
LOL! Great list, Kimberly! Thanks for the laugh!
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