Well just when I was going to spill the beans on MY specific results, Amazon went and did something I wasn't expecting and I'm not quite sure why they did it.
What did they do, you ask? They added the "Look Inside" feature to Bubblin' Brown Sugar!
I know what you might be thinking . . .So what?
So . . . I've had more sales THIS MORNING than I've had in . . . well I don't want to say, since Amazon has changed my mind from ranting - or better said, venting about my lackluster KDP Select results. Not to mention my non-functioning Kindle (click here for that story).
Yay!! I'm excited! Now potential readers don't have to download a sample - they can just "look inside," and then make a (favorable) purchasing decision. If you don't have a copy of Bubblin' Brown Sugar yet - I invite you to click the image above and take a "Look Inside!" The first story - Lisa's Dress - is nothing short of fantastic!
Thank you God for continuing to bless me. And thank you Amazon! Think I'll stay a while longer!
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