Monday, July 16, 2012

A Kindle Conk-Out! Paying My Respects...


Just when I got a quiet and peaceful Sunday afternoon to myself, and planned to submerge into a good electronic novel, my Kindle conked out.  I had been acting a little quirky  for the past few months . . . acting like it didn't recognize the wi-fi connection, having to be hard reset, not wanting to accept any more books.  Well today I guess it just gave up the ghost.

Bummer!  I had my mind all set for some good reading (when I definitely should be writing instead).

Well . . . in a memorial tribute to my beloved Kindle (which honestly, I am hoping that tomorrow it will experience a miraculous divine healing of some sort and be raised up from its bed of affliction) - I am giving away a free download July 16th and 17th.

Bubblin' Brown Sugar - an anthology of love stories and poems. 

Please pay your respects  - click the link or image and  download your copy, then tweet and share it with your friends. Help me give my slightly-over-a-year-old Kindle  a decent "putting away."

Maybe it's time to upgrade to the Kindle Fire! Out with the old and in with the new!  I guess I should let the old one at least cool down first huh?  LOL

You can offer your condolences by leaving a sympathetic comment. 

Enjoy my blog?  Read it on your Kindle! Just click below.



CLC said...

I guess that's one thing the inked word won't do to us. Always good to have a few of those dinosaurs in the library.

K. Millionaire said...

Yeah . . . I'm keeping the old library!

Miss Crystal said...

Contact Amazon ASAP via the Contact Us link on any page. Explain what happened, and they will replace it free of charge. They did it for me and two other people I know. They even send you postage-paid labels to return the broken one! :)

Also, everything will be loaded to the new one. No need to download yourself!

Best customer service in the world ...

Chicki Brown said...

Kimberly, that was me. My daughter was still signed in on my computer.

K. Millionaire said...

I did call them Chicki - he said it was out of warranty and offered me a discount on a replacement device. :-( Oh yeah - he did offer the free shipping labels. :-/

Chicki Brown said...

Are you kidding? I had mine for over two years, and they still replaced it without me even asking.

I'd go on the Live Chat and speak to someone else ...

K. Millionaire said...

Here is what the chat person said - I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.
I'm sorry that your Kindle has encountered an issue that couldn't be solved by troubleshooting.
If your Kindle is not working properly and it's outside the warranty period, you can get a replacement at a reduced price.