Sunday, July 22, 2012

Easy Like Sunday Morning Reading - Lisa's Dress


Looking for some Easy-Like-Sunday-Morning reading?  
Here's an excerpt from Lisa's Dress - a short story.

Normally Will did his own gym laundry; always had. But for some reason I thought I'd do it for him. I dug past a weight belt, a pair of fingerless gloves, his iPod, and a combination lock to pull out a couple pairs of shorts, a dingy tee, and two stained sweat towels. When I tugged at the towels, I caught site of the box of Trojan Magnums. It wasn't the presence of the condoms that stunned me, because I'd seen them in his bag before, as they had been there from the time we dated. I'd believed that Will was true to me and we were exclusive, but I knew he had a past and was glad to see that he was responsible and cared enough about himself to protect himself. We'd used condoms occasionally while we dated, but once I got pregnant with Nikki, we stopped using them all together, even after Nikki's birth. I knew exactly how many condoms were left in his bag, in a little black box, wrapped in gold foil. Seven. Each time I randomly checked for no other reason besides I knew they existed, there'd always been seven. So I was taken aback that morning when I went to do his laundry, peeked in the box and only found three...

Don't forget to "Look Inside" at, then download Lisa's Dress  in its entirety on your Kindle/Kindle App for only $.99!

Enjoy my blog?  Read it on your Kindle! Just click below.



Missy Frye said...

Wow! That certainly makes a person want to know more. You are SUCH a TEASE! :-)

BTW, I love the Commodores reference in the post's title. Makes me wish I had a turntable so I could pull out my old records.

K. Millionaire said...

Glad you enjoyed it Missy! A great hook is a must! :-)

Easy Like Sunday Morning is definitely a classic - although now it also reminds me of The Cat in the Hat! (The Movie) LOL