So as an author, iWas recently challenged to think about what my site looks like on an iOS device. Not just the actual pages, iHad already checked some kind of box in my blog settings to make sure that was taken care of. But what did the thumbnail of my site look like on the devices?
A recent trip to, did a quick and free assessment of my site and pointed out a few things iCould do better with my site, including creating an Apple iOS icon. iNever before had given thought to having one of these - another quick, easy and FREE way to brand myself!
Right away iStarted digging around for how to do this, and found a quick four minute video on youtube that walked me through the process for Blogger. (iDon't care for Wordpress at all and iCouldn't tell you the first thing about it, but surely someone knows.) iWould try to tell you step by step myself but why, when this video will be far more helpful than iCould ever be.
The steps were pretty quick and easy, and now, when an iOS device user saves my site to their home screen, it's not just a thumbnail of the site, but instead, it's the image iWant, my headshot...the one you see below. Go ahead...try it now on your iDevice. Go to my website at http://www/, then tap on share, then save to your home screen. Look at that branding! Imagine having your book cover or your publishing logo as an Apple icon! How cool would that be?
So - two assignments for you . . . visit to see what improvements you can make to your site, and secondly, brand yourself with your very own Apple iOS device icon. And oh yeah, one more thing . . . leave a comment. iWould appreciate it!

"I knew exactly how many condoms were left in his gym bag, in a little black box, wrapped in gold foil. Seven. Each time I randomly checked for no other reason besides I knew they existed, there'd always been seven. So I was taken aback that morning when I went to do his laundry, peeked in the box and only found three..."
Lisa from - "Lisa's Dress"
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