Monday, April 2, 2012

A is for Author Advertising! (A-Z Challenge)

I decided to take the A-Z blogging challenge for the month of April...except I forgot to post yesterday, so I'm starting a day late. But better late than never right? Especially if it's only for one day!

My A blog for today is about Advertising . . . particularly for  ebooks since I'm an author and all.

Here is a great way to showcase your ebook - instead of just displaying a flat cover, why not advertise your book by showing it on the screen of your favorite ereader!  Any author worth their ink knows that showing is better than telling, so instead of telling prospective readers that your book is available on the Kindle, Nook, Ipad, or smart phone, SHOW them.  Get your image showcased on the layout of your choice, then use the image as your profile picture, on your Facebook wall, tweet it out, share it! Become the envy of all your author friends!

You can upload 1 image and have it showed on the Kindle and Nook layouts . . .  or upload 2 images and have them both shown on the Kindle layout . . . or do an Iphone and Ipad layout . . . or!  Your options are endless!

OR you can order a full banner!  What a great cover image for your Facebook Profile or website!

EXAMPLE - Submit this: a simple book cover image

And get this in return! A full layout of your book cover shown in different ereader formats!

             Ipad                     Iphone       -          Nook       -            Hard Cover        -             Kindle Fire      -      Kindle Keyboard

EXAMPLE 2 - Submit this: a simple book cover image

And get this in return! A full layout of your book cover shown in different ereader formats!


Just complete the form below, upload your image(s) and your order will be securely processed via Paypal.


J.L. Campbell said...

That cool and innovative.

K. Millionaire said...

Thanks J.L.

Masquerade Crew said...

What an interesting idea! I would love to see an example of this.

K. Millionaire said...

The example is in the post! :-) To see another - you can look at this Facebook profile -