Tuesday, April 3, 2012

B is for Bye Belly and Booty! (A-Z Challenge)

I'm on day two of the April A-Z Blogging challenge. Actually I am a day behind. I'm supposed to be on day C, but let me get B out the way first. I promise to do my C post before the day ends. 

So . . . B is for Bye Belly and Booty!! Not only am I doing the blogging challenge this month, but I also started taking classes at a dance studio, Beauty for Ashes Dance and Theatre Company. (Yay!) It's been a long time coming, and finally, I found a studio in my area that offers a wide array of classes and fits my budget.

Yesterday was my second day, and man oh man! It was a arms swinging, torso twisting, back bending, leg kicking, grande plie standing (forgot how to spell it - plee-ay) hard working, 2.5 hour session. I came home sore and drenched in sweat from top to bottom.  If I keep this up, all my extra belly and booty will be gone in no time! 

B is also for Bubblin' Brown Sugar! A collection of beautifully crafted love stories compiled into one fantastic anthology. And not just any old love stories, the typical boy and girl meet, fall in love and live happily ever after. Nope. These couples actually have some real challenges - like real people. 

Available exclusively at Amazon.com, I invite you to read the first story for absolutely free by downloading a sample!  Just click HERE or on the image of the Kindle Fire on the left.

In the meantime - I think I need to stretch my muscles while I wave goodbye to the belly and booty!  Maybe by the time I get to W this month, W will be for weight loss!  :-)

PS - if you're an author and would love to have YOUR book showcased on a Kindle Fire (or other ereader) just click HERE!

A is for Author Advertising

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CLC said...

I used to dance for exercise. God I loved it. I say that to encourage you as you mince your way around today! These bodies were made for moving about, add a little music and it becomes a hallelujah experience. Keep on girl. Wish I were there with you.

K. Millionaire said...

Christina, I've been sore all week! Yee-ouch! But it feels so good.