Saturday, April 7, 2012

G is for Get it Together (A-Z Blogging Challenge)

Day 7 of the A-Z Blogging Challenge!

G is for Get it Together...which I'm trying to do...kinda. You see, I just started dancing with this Dance Company last week, not that I am awesomely talented in dance, but because I've always liked the performing arts, knew that the group would stretch the bit of skill that I do have, and I've got quite a few pounds of "extra" to get rid of.  I take five classes a week in all, with the most skill stretching one being four hours long. 

So far, the classes have been wonderfully challenging, and I always leave the studio completely drenched in sweat, exhausted and sore. I've had to buy a knee brace and rub something called Tiger Balm into my joints, but I like it. As a matter of fact, I love it. So the part that I need to get it together in is...after I finish my 2-4 hour sessions, I feel like I DESERVE to eat any thing I want. I feel like I deserve a candy bar, an ice cream cone or that Chick-Fila sandwich and large sweet tea. I feel like it won't do any damage at all after I've left my sweat on the dance floor. I don't want a Gatorade or a protein bar for a reward.  M&Ms appeal to me so much more. Or a honey bun covered in thick white icing. Mmmmm!

I know it's not right to think that way. That's why I've got to get it together and start toting apples and trail mix in my dance bag.  Especially if I plan to dance these pounds away. 

Get it together Kimberly; get it together!



J.C. Martin said...

Well done, you! Yes, I do get the munchies after a day of teaching martial arts. It takes a lot of self-control to not raid the fridge after work, at 10 o'clock at night.

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Kern Windwraith said...

I'm so blinking impressed that you're dancing five days a week that I feel I should offer to hand-deliver the M&Ms to your door! Except, right. No M&Ms. Okay, fine. I feel I should deliver home-made granola bars (with just a few little chunks of chocolate baked in because the anti-oxidants are SO good for you).

Just caught up to your blog today through the A to Z challenge--I'll be back to read more posts as the month ticks by.

K. Millionaire said...

I would LOVE M&Ms delivered to my door! That would be soooo bad for me!