Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for Fake Facebook Friends (A-Z Challenge)

Keeping up with the A-Z Blogging Challenge!

F is for Fake Facebook Friends.
I have 3,415 "Friends" on Facebook.
Don't be impressed. I probably only really know 10% of that number.
And then only 10% of those actually engage with me.

And yes - I post interesting , funny , thought provoking, motivating, inspiring, personal things...and photos...and quotes.  I just don't play games and grow vegetables. I like other people's status posts, and comment on their baby pictures and support their work and share their stuff. Seriously - I do!

You would think with that many friends, I would have no problem getting likes, free ebook downloads, book sales, reviews, comments and blog visits right? As my aunties use to say some years ago "Chile please!" Not even close.

3,415 friends? Yeah right. Who am I fooling? Only myself and maybe 90% of my Facebook Friends. But that number sure looks good!

Hey! Since you're here, be a friend and like my Facebook Page!  Just click HERE!  Or the least you can do is leave a comment below.  :-)

A is for Author Advertising
B is for Bye Belly and Booty
C is for Creative Catch Up
D is for Deadline
E is for Everything, Empty and Elusive

Enjoy my blog?  Read it on your Kindle! Just click below.



Jean said...

Sounds like you have enough fake friends. But, I have to admit the post title caught my eye!

I'm here from A-Z, but I'm not blogging from my blogger account, so I'll warn you up front that you won't find me by clicking on my profile. In fact, I realized yesterday (when A-Zers were complaining about people who don't directly link to their A-Z blog), that I've been sending WP people to the wrong place, too. Oops.

If you want my A-Z, it's at http:/

Anonymous said...

It's great that your fb page has so many people following it. Nice post. Glad I popped by.