Monday, January 30, 2012

Ebooks - More Than a Passing Fancy


The results from the Book Industry Study Group’s “Consumer Attitudes Toward E-Book Reading” survey per Publishers Weekly:

Kindle and Nook are growing in popularity. 
Even those who were reading e-books before on different platforms are jumping on the Kindle/Nook bandwagon. Yes, more e-book readers are now opting to use dedicated e-readers to read their e-books. Fewer people are reading e-books on a computer, and owners of e book devices by more books . . . but spend less money since e books are considerably less expensive than their physical counterparts.

Fans of the e-book are growing. 
People who were e-book readers before are becoming even more devoted to the electronic versions of books. In fact, their purchases of e-books have only continued to rise, while their purchases of print books continue to fall. About 67% of e-book buyers said they increased their spending on e-books since last fall; 45% said they reduced spending on hardcovers.

Amazon Remains in the Lead. 
Amazon is the leader in the book-selling industry, E-books included. More than 70% of e-book buyers report making their purchases through Amazon. Barnes and Noble remains a distant second (27%), with the iBookstore and iTunes remaining below 10%.

The Price Is Right!. 
One of the greatest appeals of the e-book has always been the price. But e-book prices have actually risen over the last year (around 25%) which e-book readers claim has prevented them from purchasing more e-books. (Imagine what the stats would be if the prices had remained the same!)

Free Excerpts Sell Books. 
According to e-book readers, having access to free chapters or samples had the biggest impact on getting them to buy an e-book. In fact, this seems to be more of a decision-maker than online reviews.

So, authors, keep those e-books coming. They just may be your path to the bestseller list!

Get your custom ereader image featuring the cover of YOUR book as an Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook and/or Ipad display and increase your marketing efforts!  SHOW your readers that your book is available on their favorite reading device.  Only $10 per image (discounts available for 3 or more images!) Just click HERE!



Sonia G Medeiros said...

I definitely believe that ebooks are here to stay. I still love print but I can't deny the convenience of ebooks. :D

Chicki Brown said...

Good post! And thanks for including my cover. :D