Originally Posted by Jim Edwards - http://www.igottatellyou.com/blog/amazon-kindle-publish-or-perish/

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, “tablet and e-book reader ownership nearly doubled over the holiday gift-giving period.” That means, almost 1 out of every 3 Americans now owns at least 1 tablet or e-reader device. With both Amazon and Barnes and Noble offering e-readers below the $100 mark, this upward ownership trend is expected to continue. What makes this even more exciting is that the group with the largest percentage of ownership also had the highest income level at $75,000+ per year.
In non-scientific terms, here’s what those stats mean for people who publish and sell ebooks (or those who want to).
Money To Spend On eBooks:
The people who own the highest percentage of e-readers and tablets also make the most money and, presumably, have the most disposable income. This means they have credit and can afford to buy virtually all the ebooks they want without hesitation. They bought their tablets and e-readers and now they want to use them, which means buying ebooks from Amazon Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble, and Apple iBooks (among others).
Ebooks Are Now Mainstream:
One in 3 people has an e-reader or tablet. Getting to one out of 2 shouldn’t take much time at all because everyone sees everyone else using one. It’s cool to use one and be seen as everything from “green” (no paper, tree-killing books for me) to high-tech (is that the latest iPad?) to cool (wow, neat Bluetooth keyboard with your iPad)! Reading an ebook is now just as “normal” as reading a paperback. This also means less resistance to never getting something physical in the mail and understanding that all you’ll every receive is a file on your e-reader or tablet (a real point of confusion and resistance for many consumers just a few short years ago).
Wider, More Diverse Audience:
“Everyone” means everyone! Heck, my mom even has an iPad now AND a Kindle e-reader. This means markets previously closed to most ebook authors (fiction in particular) are now ripe for the picking. If you’ve got a quality ebook aimed at a specific target audience, your chances of making consistent, significant sales rate better than ever (especially without a traditional publisher).
Consumption Will Increase:
More people with ebook readers means more demand for ebooks, which leads to more ebook consumption. Think about it! Devices like Amazon’s Kindle, Kindle Fire, Apple’s iPad, and the Barnes & Noble Nook are, at their core, content consumption devices. People buy them to read books, watch movies, download content and use apps. Some of the content will obviously be free, but much of it will cost from $.99 up to $14.99. And it doesn’t take long for the billions to pile up with millions of people spending a few bucks on digital goods every single day.
Less Resistance = Easier eBook Sales
It takes FAR less education or explanation to make the sale of an ebook now. People just log on to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple’s App Store, pick out what they want, click a couple of buttons, download, and start reading. It’s now as natural as buying a regular book, only without the drive, traffic, gas, or hassle at the counter. Ebooks now make for instant gratification and the ultimate impulse purchases.
So, let’s answer that question, shall we: How important is it to publish your ebook for e-readers like Kindle and Nook, and tablets like iPad or Android devices?
Bottom line: it’s now CRITICAL to publish your ebooks for all of these devices because they will shortly represent the majority of all ebook sales worldwide (if they don’t already). And the importance of using all of these ebook distribution channels to get your ebook (or a version of your ebook) out there into the ebook marketplace will only increase. The age of the ebook is upon us along with the age of the ebook megastore. So, if you want to make it in the world of ebooks, you’d better get your ebook onto the virtual bookstore shelves the majority of the world’s consumers are browsing.
By the way, here’s what the smartest authors do to get their Kindle ebooks written, formatted, published, and selling in less than 7 days. Check it out, but only if you’re serious about making money and building fame as a published ebook author: Click here for Ebook Secrets Exposed - How to Make Massive Amounts of Money in Record Time With Your Own eBook.
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Kimberly, thanks for sharing this post. I always thought eBooks would be the future in publishing, but I'm really pleased to see that they are now the present.
Yes! The industry has really taken off!
It's amazing how much the ebooks have grown. I thought I would never want to be an ebook reader but I love the convenience of them. I definitely want to epublish in the future.
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