My name is not Amanda Hocking. Nor is it J. K. Rowling, or the woman's name who wrote the Fifty Shades series. I take nothing from them. They are awesome in their own rights. But their successes don't take away from mine.
I am Kimberly T. Matthews-Hooker and I am a best selling author at Amazon.com. I achieved best-seller status in 2009 before the KDP program started, and no, I didn't get there overnight. It was, and continues to be a step-by-step process.
I don't submerge myself in writing every single day. Most days, I'm just a regular ol' person experiencing regular ol' life.
- I'm married. Some days it's easy, some days it's not.
- I get headaches every now and then, so I keep Excedrin migraine around.
- I have two sons who did a number on my abs that I've not recovered from yet.
- Sometimes I work a day job because I NEED to, not because I'm bored at home.
- I'm far from perfect and make lots of mistakes. Some have been hard to bounce back from.
- Sometimes I think the world revolves around me . . . it doesn't.
- I don't always look forward to cooking dinner. Chick Fila is so much easier.
- I love ice cream a little bit more than I should. Okay, a lot more than I should.
See? I'm just a regular ol' person.
I may not be the real J. A. Konrath, so I will keep my seat, but I am a best selling author at Amazon. And no matter what others' successes are, I'll always be able to say that...and I like that alot!
PS: Mr. Konrath says he makes $2400 a day on Amazon. (Read it for yourself.) Maybe - just maybe I should think about changing my name!
PS: Mr. Konrath says he makes $2400 a day on Amazon. (Read it for yourself.) Maybe - just maybe I should think about changing my name!
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I like this! Joe is my inspiration, and even though I've read every single one of his blog entries since 2009, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how he did what he did!
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