"I know we r goin thru sum stuff rite now but you still look good :-)"
I rolled my eyes at Sydney's text and at the same time gleamed inside that he’d noticed. I mean what woman doesn’t want attention from the man she loves? Saying thank you didn’t seem appropriate, nor did any other response that came to mind, so I didn’t respond.
"Can we start dating again," - was his next text which made me crack a smile. I couldn’t say what had taken place in the past week that made him have a change of heart. All I know is I was desperate for him to love me. And my desperation made it so easy to find sincerity in his request, even it was only in my head.
"Dating?" - I didn’t want to seem too anxious.
"Yeah, u no, I come get u, take u out, we get to no each other all over again"
It did sound like fun, but we’re we beyond this?
"Y not. How else r we gonna bring r family back 2gether"
Our family? Did that include Carlos? I was too scared to ask.
"We’ll see"
"What kinda answer is dat?"
"That’s the best answer I can give right now"
He was silent for more than an hour but finally returned the text with:
"If I gotta fight 4 my family Im willing 2 do dat."
I was apprehensive at the notion that he wanted us to reconcile so quickly; what had changed over the past eight days that had him rethinking our break up? Tbut then again, maybe I was looking a gift horse in the mouth. I had been praying about our marriage, and regardless of what a great friend Yalisa had been, this wasn’t the best place for me to be with two babies – cramped up in a single bedroom with all of our belongings stuffed into a couple of trash bags. My mind flew back to the night before when I’d been randomly thumbing through my little pocket bible and read about Saul being converted to Paul. God had completely changed his life in a matter of minutes, so it was possible that Sydney had changed.
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