Thursday, February 2, 2012

In the Spirit of KDP Select and Promos!


In the spirit of KDP Select and free promo offers . . . 

Don't just tell, but SHOW readers that YOUR ebook is available on their favorite ereader device with a Custom Ereader Image Display, showcasing YOUR book on the face of an Ipad, Kindle, Kindle Fire or Nook. Get an EReader Display Image for Your EBook!

What an awesome way to promote your ebook!  

Usually priced at $10ea, but for a limited time,
you can buy one image and get another for FREE!!
 Limited time only.

Choose from Ipad, Kindle Fire, Kindle or Nook Layouts . . . Or Get a Combination of all Four!

Note! - For KDP Select Authors, DON'T limit yourselves!  Take advantage of this BOGO offer and get both a Kindle or Kindle Fire layout AND an Ipad layout, as the Kindle App can be downloaded onto the Ipad!  

What you will get:
 - Two jpeg images of a single book cover displayed a Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook or IPad layout - which can be used on your website, blog, Facebook profile, marketing materials . . . the uses are ENDLESS! 
 - Super-fast turnaround (24-72 hours)
 - a portion of all proceeds will be donated to

Buy one layout for just $10 and get the second one FREE!
Just complete the form below.

Share this BOGO offer with a friend -  
Just click your favorite share button below.


bertcarson said...

Thanks for the deal - I'm looking forward to seeing my book cover on my Kindle Fire.

CLC said...

I trailed in after my husband and said, "Did you see this...." And he said, "I did." That's what happens after you live with someone for a while. So I ordered one too. Thanks for letting us all know, Kimberly.

K. Millionaire said...

Thanks Christina and Bert! Enjoy!