Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Offers for your Readers - The Power of the List!


Do you offer your readers and site visitors anything free?
A free ebook, newletter, list of helpful tips . . . anything?

I remember a song taught to me in elementary school that went like this . . . (eh, eh hem!)

Love is nothing 'til you give it away, give it away, give it away
Love is nothing 'til you give it away; you'll end up having more. 

It's just like a magic penny
Hold it tight and you won't have any
Lend it, spend it and you'll have so many, they'll roll all over the floor - for 

Love is nothing 'til you give it away, give it away, give it away
Love is nothing 'til you give it away; you'll end up having more. 

So you might be thinking, okay, if I give something away, what is it that I'm going to have more of? That's easy! Simply ask for their email address so that you can build your list of contacts. A list is a powerful tool when it comes to marketing your book or business. To prove to you how powerful a list is, think about how every single time a site/service/organization offers you the convenience of setting up and account with them by simply using your Facebook information. If you choose to do this, that organization clearly tells you that they will have access to your wall AND YOUR FRIENDS LIST . . . they are after your friends, to build their lists.

They are offering you something for free (log in using your Facebook info)
Getting your information (your Facebook info, likes etc) and
Peeking at your friends (working on a larger customer base)

Pretty nifty huh?

So what do you do with a list? Keep your readers informed, let them know of your new book releases, special offers and the like. Just say hello, or Happy New Year! Bottom line - a list is invaluable for growing your business and increasing your sales/readership.

And since you are here - here's something free from me, just for dropping by! :-)

Sign up for my newsletter and receive my new eBook Spoonful of Sugar.

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Click here for Ebook Secrets Exposed - How to Make Massive Amounts of Money in Record Time With Your Own eBook. 

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