Friday, November 25, 2011

Does Your Blog Site Need a Face Lift?

If you are bored with your Blogger/Blogspot blog template, there is help for you yet!  You can give your site an almost instant facelift with the use of a template. There are lots of free templates available for download that can give your site a fresh new look.

For starters, check out There are literally thousands of templates to choose from so something is sure to fit your personality and style.  Once you've done that, do a little editing and Well-Ah!  It's like fresh paint on the walls of a drab room!  If you get stuck on the editing - remember this one SUPER important tip...Google is your friend!  If you can remember that, and use it - you will avoid frustration, save time, and have a great looking blog!

For Wordpress users - there are free templates available for you too, however I have not tread through the Wordpress waters yet, so I can't talk much about them. 

Now before you tell me free is not always best...I can agree - not always. But sometimes the best things in life are free. This might be one of them. Especially before you start spending money.

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Stephanie C. Harper said...

I can agree with you for a "blog". But I would recommend your own branding for a website. You can also point people to your blog via your website. Kudos. Keep up the GREAT WORK!