Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wild Animals on the Loose in Ohio AND Virginia

Good Morning America featured a story this morning about wild animals being set on the the loose in Zanesville, Ohio.  As I understand it, animals from lions, to wolves, to bears were set free, causing the city to be shut down.

I live nowhere near Ohio, but coincidentally, one of these animals have found their way to my home! This afternoon, I decided to open my back door leading out to the deck, to let in a bit of fresh air, and was quite startled and completely caught by surprise by a giraffe looking like he wanted to come inside. He seems to have lost an ear and an antler on his journey, and a small plant is growing out of his back.

Hmm . . . was this somebody's birthday surprise for me??

I don't know where this animal came from and how he found his way to my home.
I don't know why he is looking like he wants to come inside.
I don't know how long he has been standing there.
No one (that I've asked) seems to know.

Drea says I should call animal control.