So why don't I? Glad you asked.
Here are my top three reasons.
Number 3
Your post is too freaking long, so I don't read it all.
Unless it's a book excerpt, cut to the chase. Get to the point. Tell me what you told me you were gonna tell me in your post title so that I can read it, enjoy it, comment on it and get on with my day. Please.
Number 2
The font is too tiny. I don't like having to pull my laptop on my chest to read what you've posted . . . even when it's good stuff. Let's not even talk about white letters on light grey backgrounds and the like.
My NUMBER 1 reason for not commenting on blogs:
My email address is required. That's an automatic click off for me. Why do I have to leave my email address to leave a comment? If you want my email address, do what the rest of us have to do, beg and bribe for it. I'm not just gonna fork it over to you. It's too much of a hassle, not to mention you might start sending me stuff. I don't want to subscribe to your newsletter right now; I just want to leave a comment. That's all. That's it.
Okay. I'm done. Now leave a comment about why YOU don't leave comments. No email address required.
Enjoy my blog? Read it on your Kindle! Just click below.
Thoughts on emails required for comments: As a WordPress blog (not self-hosted), I get two settings choices for commenters: either they are required to complete both name & email, or neither is required. I ask for name & email to help me weed out spam -- it helps with the spam that really sounds legit, but isn't, for example, there are 6 identical comments with the same email but different names on 6 unrelated posts. I never use the email left in comments to add people to my mailing list -- I have a separate way for people to sign up for that -- I would never add people without permission. But I never thought that requiring an email would make people not comment -- thanks for the food for thought!
As for why I don't comment, often the only comment I have is something along the lines of 'Great post!' It's rare for me to have lots to say about blog posts -- usually I feel that the blogger has said all that can be said on the topic.
If the font is too small to read, you haven't adjusted your monitor settings to your best advantage.
I'm guessing that you don't read my posts because they're too long. Sorry 'bout that (a saying often heard in Vietnam) My postings are as long as they come, generally 1,000 to 2,000 words. Hey, I have a lot to say. Everyone of them is a story.
Interesting issue with the email address. I can't respond to that one inasmuch as I don't have an issue with it. As a matter of fact, I'm sorry lonely I'm even beginning to read the SPAM that I'm getting from the White House. Sheesh, those people are desperate.
But, it's all okay. You can come "lurk" on my blog anytime. I enjoy the company. And, I won't stop promoting your blog. It's too damn good to miss.
Oops, "so lonely." There, I have a complaint with your comment system. I can't edit my dumb typos.
That is too cool. I started to comment that I couldn't leave a comment because I had to go to my site and fix it so the email address isn't required to comment, but I thought that would be stupid - anyway, I'm going to try to make that adjustment on my site right now - thanks for the message my friend.
Amen! Amen! I couldn't agree more. I can adjust for font size, but I can feel my enthusiasm drain out of me like dish water down a drain when I look down and see paragraph after paragraph. I don't get to the comments either. And I will not subscribe by force to anything. You and me, we're sisters of the heart. I do enjoy your blogs.
Lizbethgarden, I have to LOL - because sometimes my comment is as limited as "great post!" but I figure some appreciation is better than none. LOL!
Jack - I do read your posts sometimes regardless of the length . . . not all of them, but sometimes I do stick around until the last word. LOL
As far as my settings being adjusted - no, some people just "type" too small!
And thanks for enjoying and promoting my posts. You just made me smile so big! :-D
I can see how requiring email addresses and captha (is that how you spell it) codes would be helpful for keeping spam down. It just deters me from commenting at all.
That's too funny Bert! Hey . . . do what works best for you and your site. I don't make the rules around here, you know.
Sisters indeed! LOL!! I too get drained just LOOKING at a lengthy post. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy my posts. Thank you so much!
Big font, check. Moderate length, check. Fail on the last one. My blog asks for email addresses and I don't even know if that could be changed given that I use Word Press plug-ins for that stuff. I like *seeing* the email addresses because sometimes spam gets through and it can look quite realistic. I find the email address can help me figure out if it's a legit comment or not. I definitely wouldn't build a mail list from them, though!
I'm glad that you wouldn't Laura, but I can tell you that I have been magically added to a few people's lists and all I did was comment on their blogs. Tsk, tsk!
Blogger has some kind of spam filter built in so luckily, I've not had any problem with spammy comments posting.
I don't think my blog requires e-mail. I'm on blogspot, too.
What do you think about anonymous comments? I do not allow them. If someone hasn't the courage and conviction to sign their name to what they post, then it loses credibility with me.
Have you considered setting up an email account with yahoo or gmail just for commenting. An account that you don't have to check; that way if some unscrupulous person adds your name to a mailing list, it won't clutter up your regular account. Just a thought.
I don't mind anonymous comments. As a matter of fact, the few I do get - blogger filters them out. As long as the comment is relevant to the post, I'm fine with it.
Awesome blog post! My #1 reason for not leaving a comment is because I have to validate myself and type in those dumb random character strings. I also hate leaving my email address.
My main reason for not commenting is the "sign in with.......". I don't want to come up with some special sign in account; I just want to sign in with my name! (I checked to make sure that was an option here before I commented. Thanks!)
Those are definitely irritating NoOceanInKansas. I've not gotten to my breaking point with them yet though.
I hate those too D. A.! I'm with you. They also deter me from commenting.
Nope. That is too much hassle for me. I have a million email addresses as is. I don't want another just for commenting on blogs. I'd just rather not comment.
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