A Mind is a Terrible Thing to not Use.
Educate yourself! When you publish a book, you start a business, whether you go the conventional route or do it yourself. Approach it as such. There are informative books on the subject, seminars offered, and associations where you can learn the ropes and network with the more experienced. Don't go into the market place blinded and unlearned when there is a wealth of knowledge right at your finger tips! You can get help right here right now - click this link!

To Market To Market . . .
Generate marketing ideas is before you write the book, not after you have 5,000 copies in your possession. Identify and target your market and think of ways to reach them. Consider the your non-fiction theme or angle of your work (if you write fiction) then identify relevant groups and associations that will help you reach your potential readers. Also think of relevant magazines and other multi-media outlets. Can it be sold as a premium to companies that could give it away as a gift to new customers. Can it be used for training? Can you get endorsements from contacts who have name recognition? lAs you move forth to publish a book, think about who else reaches your potential customer and how you can partner with them.
Leave the Typohs...Uh Typos to the Professionals
Do not attempt to edit or proofread your own work. It's highly likely that you will overlook details that seem obvious to you, but will be to your reader. And your eyes beccome accustomed to your own work, so it becomes super easy to overlook typos.
Don't Stop at the Copy Shop
To get a professional product, you need to use a professional book manufacturer for your printing. Kinkos, Copy-Quick, Fast Copies and other corner print shops won't have the knowledge or technical capabilities to produce a quality book. Go with the experts, when you publish a boo which will save you money and heartache.
Share, Show, Sell
No one will be more excited about your book than you, and no one can sell them like you can. However, keep in mind that people will not want to be constantly bombarded with your sales pitch. Relationship marketing coupled with enthusiastic sales marketing will take you far. Share your knowledge (thinking of the non-fiction aspects of your writing), show yourself as the expert, then sell your work.
Here are a couple of inexpensive resources you can put in your Author's Arsenal. Ignorance if far more costly than paying for the knowledge you'll need! Click on the images below and get AT LEAST one!
Do not attempt to edit or proofread your own work. It's highly likely that you will overlook details that seem obvious to you, but will be to your reader. And your eyes beccome accustomed to your own work, so it becomes super easy to overlook typos.
Don't Stop at the Copy Shop
To get a professional product, you need to use a professional book manufacturer for your printing. Kinkos, Copy-Quick, Fast Copies and other corner print shops won't have the knowledge or technical capabilities to produce a quality book. Go with the experts, when you publish a boo which will save you money and heartache.
Share, Show, Sell
No one will be more excited about your book than you, and no one can sell them like you can. However, keep in mind that people will not want to be constantly bombarded with your sales pitch. Relationship marketing coupled with enthusiastic sales marketing will take you far. Share your knowledge (thinking of the non-fiction aspects of your writing), show yourself as the expert, then sell your work.
Here are a couple of inexpensive resources you can put in your Author's Arsenal. Ignorance if far more costly than paying for the knowledge you'll need! Click on the images below and get AT LEAST one!
K Matthews
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