Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Repost: Skip the He Said - She Saids; How NOT to Use Dialogue Tags

"Where are  you going?" Kurt said. "I have to go to work today," Angela answered. "I thought you were taking the day off to spend with me," he said with a disappointed look. "Somebody's gotta pay the rent around here," she spat as she pulled on a pencil skirt. "It's...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Getting Back to My Creative Groove

It's been quite a while since I've put pen to paper, or better said, fingers to keyboard with the goal of writing a really good story.  Something's been wrong with my creative juice mechanism. It simply has been on the fritz. Bone dry. Down for repair. Out of gas. So what's an author to do when...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Six Reasons Why I REFUSE to Have My Book Edited - Repost

I want people to tell me my book is horrible. I think it's great and that's all that matters. I want 1-star reviews! It fuels me to keep writing; the 1-star reviewers are just jealous. I want people to see me as an amateur, not a professional. After all, writing is my hobby. I want to be known as...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Woman's Worth - Guest Post by Chicki Brown

I am happy to host a special guest, Author Chicki Brown today! She introduces us to her latest novel A Woman's Worth, which released just a few days ago. You're invited to take a peek and leave a comment.  ------------------------------------- A Woman's Worth When Las Vegas personal trainer...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Who Are You in a Crisis? - The Soap Opera Series Part 5

Welcome to The Soap Opera Series where over the course of the next several weeks I will feature one of my books in its entirety, a segment at at time, right here on my blog...for free! So stop by every Wednesday and Saturday beginning August 14, 2013 for new episode postings.  Kicking...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

"Church Folk!" The Soap Opera Series - Part 4

Welcome to The Soap Opera Series where over the course of the next several weeks I will feature one of my books in its entirety, a segment at at time, right here on my blog...for free! So stop by every Wednesday and Saturday beginning August 14, 2013 for new episode postings.  Kicking...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Part 3 - The Soap Opera Series

Welcome to The Soap Opera Series where over the course of the next several weeks I will feature one of my books in its entirety, a segment at at time, right here on my blog...for free! So stop by every Wednesday and Saturday beginning August 14, 2013 for new episode postings.  Kicking...